Transitioning: Finding Your Place

The transitioning process for veterans is not new but it is new to each person as they go through it. The decision to leave your military career is a big decision. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your departure from the military, you may experience a myriad of emotions from excitement for the opportunities waiting for you to the weight of burden with the unknown. Many of us worry more about our sense of self and belonging than we do for tangible worries like bills and health care.

Here’s great news…..with technology, we have the most effective ways to communicate and educate you and your family on benefits and services that you’re entitled to receive!

As a veteran and former spouse, I went through the transition as well as supported my spouse through his. Though our transitions were at different stages of our career, it was still an identity change. I left during my first enlistment as a pregnant woman about to accept orders for ship duty, and he was retiring after the only career he had known. What helps is knowing you have support and tools to help you along the way; you’re not alone.

I left the Navy, joined my spouse, and went to college at night. I had his support and went to full-time classes until I graduated. It was rough being older with classes full of younger kids with stars in their eyes, since I had already lived a bit more. The sense of taking care of others; a call to duty still lingers to this day over 22 years later in all aspects of my life. Over the years of changing employers, led me to realize that I longed to still be around those who understand who I am and where I had been, searching for that sense of belonging.

Ultimately, I found the most comfort working with other veterans in the government contracting company environment. I believe that finding a place to work that you are surrounded with a good mix of brothers and sisters in arms is the key to finding encouragement, stability, support and a sense of belonging helps with the transition.

Recruit Veterans is that place for me. With 94% veterans on our staff, 100% veteran owned and operated in the main office, and all branches present and accounted for, you know that you are working at home with family. Sometimes it takes a few falls to find where your heart resides; do not get discouraged.

Next week, we will be discussing your résumé, finding the civilian equivalent words that will match your military experience, and finding positions for your talents, passions, and goals.

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