Since 2007, when we were awarded our very first contract with Jacobs Technology, Recruiting Force, LLC, d.b.a. Recruit Veterans has supported the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) with a variety of highly specialized technical resources.

Some of the programs that we have supported include:

  • Engineering and Science Technology Group (ESCG) Program
  • JSC Engineering and Technology Services (JETS) Program
  • Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) Program
  • Software Simulation and Technology (SST) I and II Programs
  • Space Launch System (SLS) Program
  • Commercial Crew Transportation System (CCTS) Program
  • International Space Station (ISS) Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) Contract

We understand what it takes to do business with an agency that deals with Human Space Flight! It’s not easy but it’s very rewarding and we want to continue building and maintaining the next generation of space vehicles and supporting the current and future generation of astronauts.

So if you’re looking for an experienced, award-winning, company to partner with, please contact us and let us help you “Accomplish the Mission!


NASA – JSC Engineering, Technology and Science (JETS) Contract
“We recently extended Recruit Veterans’ subcontract and increased the ceiling value from $2,000,000 to $4,000,000. Highest possible recommendation based on their past performance with us.” – Subcontract Administrator, NASA Prime Contractor